The use of short wave for heat on chronic lateral epicondilitis (tennis elbow) has been studied most recently by Babaei-Ghazani A, et al. (2020) who in a randomised control trial found that:
“Adding continuous short wave diathermy to a specific regimen of exercises, reduces pain and improves function in patients suffering from chronic lateral epicondylitis more than sham diathermy and exercise”
The patients received 15 minutes of continuous short wave diathermy while sham diathermy was applied for the control group. The primary outcome measure of pain was better in the short wave group whilst functional ability and pain free grip strength also improved. These outcomes were improved at 3 months after treatment suggesting the treatment had some lasting effects.
In theory this treatment should be as effective to the medial epicondyle for golfers elbow.
However, Badur NB, Ozkan FU, Aktas I (2020) showed shortwave had no effect on ulnar nerve entrapment. So if the problem is from a diagnosed ulna nerve impingement then shortwave would not be recommended.
Below is using the Tecarpuls for tennis elbow: